They are all generally young professionals, many are working with organizations related to their embassy, and few know or study Arabic. My classmates are from Germany, Korea, Taiwan, Spain, Syria, Holland, and Morocco, and there is one other American. Thursday marked my fourth French class I’m in the international adult class Tuesday and Thursday nights at the Institut Francais. They have many more opportunities through their program like woodworking workshops and teaching English classes by themselves, but are less free/able to explore the city on their own. It seems like they are not nearly as close as exchange students, but have very strong ties to their host families. Theoretically the programs should be very similar, right? Their group dynamic, host family relationships, daily routine, and perspectives on Moroccan culture are very different. We are similar ages, doing the exact same program except in different cities at different schools. It was fun to meet them all, but shocking to hear how different their experiences have been. That group stayed in Rabat for a night over their vacation, so we had dinner with them on Tuesday.

There is one other NSLI-Y program here in Morocco and it is implemented by Legacy International in Marrakech. I met lots of people of all varieties this week.